8:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. High Mass
5.30p.m. Christmas Eve Vigil Mass
There is no 8.30pm mass
There is no Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve
8:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. High Mass
5:30 p.m. (Saturday)
8:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. High Mass
8:30 p.m. (Last Sunday Mass in Manhattan)
8:00 a.m. Mass (Monday to Friday)
12:10 p.m. Mass (Monday to Saturday)
13h10 Messe en français (mardi, septembre - juin)
For the latest list of our Mass times, please visit:
Mary, Mother of God - January 1st: 5:30 pm (anticipated), 8 am, 11 am *
( * If Christmas and January 1st fall on a Sunday, there is also an 8:30 PM Mass.)
Ascension Thursday, Assumption of Mary - August 15th,
All Saints - November 1st,
Immaculate Conception - December 8th:
5:30pm (anticipated), 8 am, 12:10 pm, 5:30 pm *
( * Please note: if January 1st, August 15th or November 1st fall on a Saturday or a Monday, they are not Holy Days of Obligation, as decreed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.)
Click these links to see our Easter Flowers
Easter Flowers 2021
Easter Flowers 2020
To donate to the Cardinal's Appeal, please click on this link: cardinalsappeal.org/donate
June 18, 2020
Dear Parishioners,
We have very good news.
The Archdiocese of New York announced that public Masses would resume on Monday, June 22nd 2020 in New York City. Holy Family Parish resumed the full schedule of weekday and Sunday Masses beginning on June 22nd.
The Mass schedule here at Holy Family is generally:
Monday to Friday: 8 AM and 12:10 PM
Saturday: 12:10 PM and 5:30 PM
Sunday: 8 AM, 11 AM and 8:30 PM
For the most up-to-date list of our Mass times, please visit:
Cardinal Dolan reminds all the Catholics on the Archdiocese that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is dispensed for all those who decide not to come to Mass out of concern for their health and well being during the coronavirus outbreak. He encourages all those at risk, including anyone who is aged or infirm, to remain at home and to watch the Mass on television or on the Internet. Fr. Joe and I will be happy to bring Holy Communion to any parishioners who remain at home on Sundays during this the coronavirus pandemic. Please call me at 917-292-6160 to schedule a visit by the priests.
Anyone who is not feeling well is kindly asked not come to Mass until he feels better. Everyone who does attend Mass is required to wear a face covering or mask while in the church.
Please note that the maximum attendance at each Mass will be 75 people, which represents 25% of the total seating capacity in the church. Please sit at the designated spots in the available pews in order to maintain the six-foot social distancing spacing.
Confessions will be heard in the sacristy until further notice in order to maintain safe social distancing. You may access the sacristy through the door at the left side of the sanctuary. The confession schedule is:
Monday to Saturday: 11:55 AM to 12:05 PM
Saturday: 5:00 to 5:30 PM
Sunday: 10:30 to 10:55 AM and 8:10 to 8:30 PM
The rectory office will be open Monday to Friday from 10 AM to 3 PM (closed for lunch from 1:30 to 2 PM).
Reconciliation Friday in the parishes of the Archdiocese of New York: On Friday June 19th the priests will be available to hear confessions in St. Mary’s Garden from 10 AM to 4 PM. If you would like to go to confession, please ring the doorbell at the rectory and the priest will come out to the garden to meet you. You may also call me at 917-292-6160 to schedule a time to come for confession.
We will have more details about procedures and policies in the Sunday bulletin for June 28th, and on the website.
We look forward to seeing you back at Holy Family Church!
Fr. Gerald E. Murray, Pastor
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